
Parking Brake

Parking Brake

  • Control Module 2015-2017 Jaguar T2R17726


    CA $614.17
    Module-Elect Con.F-Type. 2014-17, parking brake, to vin k22184. Module - ELECT Control. Parking Brake Control Module. 2014-17. Fits F-Type 2014-17, parking brake, to VIN K22184. F-Type. FUSE & RELAY. 2014-17. gateway. parking brake. rear junction. body...
    CA $614.17
  • Actuator Assembly 2018-2019 Jaguar C2D30780


    CA $551.34
    Actuator.XJ series. F-Type. Without carbon ceramic, 17 brakes, parking brake. Parking Brake Actuator. Device that engages the Parking Brake. Electric Motor. From Chassis/VIN V90866. Fits F-Type, XJ, XJR, xjr575 | F-Type. W/CARBON CERAMIC, parking brake...
    CA $551.34
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