
97-99 XJ6 XJ8 XK8 XJR Front Right Window Switch w Trim Oem Dbc11420

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  • 97-99 XJ6 XJ8 XK8 XJR Front Right Window Switch w Trim Oem Dbc11420
  • 97-99 XJ6 XJ8 XK8 XJR Front Right Window Switch w Trim Oem Dbc11420
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Working, come from part out, may have some dusts, dents, scratches and other signs of use. This product fits 15 vehicle variants. Jaguar: 4 models, 15 variants between 1997 and 1999. Jaguar XJ6 Base 1997 Jaguar XJ6 L 1997 Jaguar XJ8 Base 1998, 1999 Jaguar XJ8 L 1998, 1999 Jaguar XJR Base 1997, 1998, 1999 Jaguar XK8 Base Convertible 1997, 1998, 1999 Jaguar XK8 Base Coupe 1997, 1998, 1999
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Warranty Information

  • All Used parts have up to 30 days limited warranty.
  • New parts Warranty depends on the manufacturer or reseller policies (30 days flat).
  • Rebuilt or Remanufactured Engines and Transmissions have up to 180 days limited warranty.
  • Used Cars do not have any warranty and are subject to "Sold As Is".
  • More Info:
    Warranty Starts Upon Delivery Day. This warranty is extended only to the original purchaser and it's not transferable to anyone at any time. Warranty will not have been covered under Misuse, maintenance neglect, abuse, vandalism, abnormal operation, environmental conditions, or accidents. Damage caused by installation or related vehicle problems is not covered, as well as installation in a vehicle for which it was not designed or purchased for. Overheating of the engine voids any warranty for labor or replacement. All vehicles are equipped with warning devices (gauges and lights), please be sure they are operational. Damage caused by lack of lubricants or fluids that lead to engine failure will void the warranty. You are asked to maintain your vehicle at regular intervals and be able to provide us with those service records. Fuel washing or any other dilution of the engine lubricant can void warranty. Damage from electrolysis or where periodic maintenance services required by the manufacturer have not been performed can also void warranty. The warranty does not cover or provide payment or reimbursement for Loss of time, income, sales or profits, loss of use of the vehicle, lift, dock, shipping, storage fees, Diagnostic time, service calls, labor Replacement of any fluids or other substances, tune-ups or replacement of belts, hoses or maintenance items, towing charges, vehicle rental, substitute transportation, lodging, or communication expenses. All parts sold by Galaxy must have an engraved nor stickered hologram marked "Galaxy", in order to accept a warranty don't lose or damage those.

    Hologram Sticker's Example:

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