
Exterior Trim - Trunk

Exterior Trim - Trunk

  • Discontinued by Manufacturer

    Emblem 2014-2016 Jaguar T2R12376


    Badge.Leaping jaguar, to vin k42467. Emblem. Leaping jaguar to VIN K42467. Badge. Deck Lid. License lamp. Nameplate. OrNament. Fits F-Type Leaping jaguar, to VIN K42467. TRUNK LID.|from VIN K42468. to VIN K42467. from VIN K42468. to VIN K42467.|from...
  • Emblem 2017 Jaguar T2R22764


    Badge.British design edition, with awd. British Design Edition w/AWD. Badge. Decal. Deck Lid. Hatch. License lamp. Nameplate. OrNament. Fits F-Type British Design Edition, w/AWD. TRUNK LID. from VIN K42468. to VIN K42467.|from VIN K42468. to VIN K42467...
  • Nameplate 2017 Jaguar T2R20726


    Emblem, Badge.2014-17, s, british design ed. British design edition, without awd. 2014-17 W/O SVR. British Design Edition w/o AWD. Badge. Decal. Deck Lid. Grille. Hatch. License lamp. Nameplate base. OrNament. Fits F-Type 2014-17, "S", British Design Ed...
  • Emblem 2016-2019 Jaguar T2R15906


    Badge.Awd r. "AWD R". Badge. Decal. Deck Lid. Hatch. License lamp. Nameplate. OrNament. Fits F-Type TRUNK LID.|from VIN K42468. to VIN K42467. from VIN K42468. to VIN K42467.|from VIN K42468. to VIN K42467.|from VIN K42468. to VIN K42467.|from VIN...
  • Rear Molding 2014-2019 Jaguar T2R4146


    Panel-Finisher. Finish. Molding. Panel. ER. plate. Blank cover. Deck Lid. Included with: Molding assembly. Fits F-Type TRUNK LID.|from VIN K42468. to VIN K42467. from VIN K42468. to VIN K42467.|TRUNK LID. EXTERIOR TRIM. leaping jaguar. "AWD R". "AWD S"...
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