
Cruise Control

Cruise Control

  • Brake Switch 2003-2008 Jaguar C2S46706


    Switch-Speed Con.S-Type. X-Type. XJ. From vin m99486. From vin j02541. VEHICLE FITMENT 2009 Jaguar Super V8 | Base | 4.2L V8 - Gas 2009 Jaguar Vanden Plas | Base | 4.2L V8 - Gas 2009 Jaguar XJ8 | Base, L | 4.2L V8 - Gas 2009 Jaguar XJR | Base | 4.2L V8 -...
  • Cruise Switch 2004-2008 Jaguar C2C17363


    Engagement Switch, Switch-Cruise Co.S-Type. X-Type. XJ, XK. Sedan. 2002-04. Without adapt. cruise. Without adaptive speed cntrl. Cruise Control Switch. EngageMENT Switch. Switch - Cruise CO. 2002-04. W/o adapt. Cruise. Fits S-Type, Super V8, Vanden...
  • Cruise Switch 2004-2008 Jaguar C2C17364


    Engagement Switch, Switch-Cruise Co.S-Type. XJ, XK. Sedan. With adapt. cruise. With adaptive speed cntrl. Cruise Control Switch. EngageMENT Switch. Switch - Cruise CO. W/adapt. Cruise. Fits S-Type, Super V8, Vanden Plas, XJ8, XJR, XK8, XKR S-Type;...
  • Steering Wheel Bolt 2009-2018 Jaguar C2C12328


    Screw-Hexagon He. Screw - HexAGON HE. Steering wheel bolt. Fits Super V8, Vanden Plas, XF, XFR, XFR-S, XJ, XJ8, XJR, xjr575 | STEERING WHEEL & TRIM. burr walnut. ebony veneer. leather. rich oak. bordeaux. mineral. navy. truffle. walnut curl. oyster...
  • Distance Sensor 2005-2008 Jaguar C2Z9500


    Sensor.XJ series. XK, XKR. XF. 2008. From vin v22229. With adaptive cruise. Adaptive speed control. Adaptive cruise control, 2010-15. Cruise Control Distance Sensor. Park Sensor. 2004-07 W/O Supercharger. 2008. 2010-15 Adaptive Cruise Control...